

Our teachers follow PWCS Regulation 663-1 regarding all assigned homework, which states that the purpose of homework is to provide:

  • Pre-learning opportunity to organize new information or build interest in an upcoming topic,
    or unit of study
  • Practice for applying new knowledge and skills
  • Revisit knowledge and concept for review
  •  Prepare for an upcoming assessment

Students work very hard throughout the school day, and it is equally important that they enjoy recreational activities and family time after school. Therefore, there are guidelines, stated in Regulation 663-1, that limit the amount of nightly homework for students. The following times are the maximum recommended time for nightly homework (Monday-Thursday), which also includes reading: Kindergarten (10- 20 minutes), 1st & 2nd Grades (10-20 minutes), and 3rd – 5th Grades (30-50 minutes).

Reading for 10-30 minutes a night with a family member is very important. 20 minutes of reading every day, exposes a child to 1.8 million words yearly leading to increased general knowledge, vocabulary, communication, and analytical skills.

According to Carrey Crenshaw, a literary expert, reading daily can have long-term effects on the brain. Students who read daily:

  • Get better at reading
  •  Exercise the brain
  • Improve concentration
  • Learn about the world
  • Enrich our vocabulary
  • Develop your imagination
  • Understand empathy.
  • Perform better academically
  • Relax the body and mind