Letter from Administration

Penn Elementary School

12980 Queen Chapel Road • Woodbridge, VA 22193
703-590-0344 • FAX 703-590-528 • pennes.pwcs.edu

Dr. Elliot F. Bolles, Principal
Margaret Simpson, Assistant Principal
Christy Parthenakis, Assistant Principal



Dear Penn Families,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. We are eagerly waiting the arrival of our students and families as
we embark on a brand-new year full of amazing learning and awesome opportunities. If you are new to
Penn, WELCOME! You will soon find out what makes Penn Elementary a special community of staff,
students, and families where diversity is honored and celebrated.

As a staff, we have developed a Vision and Mission built on embracing all students and striving for academic
success for each student. The individual classrooms develop and set goals and expectations for academic
performance and behavior throughout the year.

One PWCS’s goals for the year is to decrease chronic absences.

“Children who do not show up for school regularly miss out on fundamental reading and math skills and the
chance to build good attendance habits that will carry them through college and careers. Studies have shown
that chronic absenteeism beginning in kindergarten and as early as prekindergarten were far less likely to
read proficiently by the end of third grade. When the problem persists for over a year, it can increase the
prediction of lower test scores, poor attendance, and retention in later grades. AttendanceWorks®”

On behalf of the faculty, PTO, custodians, cafeteria personnel, and bus drivers at Penn Elementary School, I
would like to welcome you to a new school year. I look forward to seeing you throughout the year. Please
stay in close contact with your child’s teacher and refer to the division and school web sites for the latest
information. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 703-590-0344 or email me at [email protected].

Dr. Elliot F. Bolles