Parent Information

Parent Information


Advisory Council

The Advisory Council represents the Penn Elementary School community. It will serve in an advisory capacity to the principal in development of the Operating budget, fiscal support for the school, and the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). This Council will also assist in communicating the vision and mission of Penn Elementary to its school, community and to the community at large.

Meetings are held quarterly from 6:30-7:30 in the school library. Please contact Dr. Bolles if you are interested in participating.


Parent View

ParentVUE is a tool that gives parents and guardians access to their child's bus information, class schedules, grades, attendance information, and more.

All families have a ParentVue account for one parent or both. Please call Joanne Morgan at 703-590-0344 if you need assistance with access.


P.A.W.S. (formerly Watch D.O.G.S)

P.A.W.S. stands for Parents Active With Students. P.A.W.S. is modeled after WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students). While WATCH D.O.G.S. is specifically designed for male/father figures, P.A.W.S. is designed to be more inclusive and equitable to all the important adults in our students’ lives.

Who are P.A.W.S? Here at Penn, P.A.W.S. are any male or female parent, guardian or adult family member who volunteers at least one full school day at their child’s/student’s school during the school year.

What do P.A.W.S. DO? During the day, P.A.W.S. volunteers perform a variety of tasks. This includes monitoring the school entrances and hallways, assisting with unloading and loading of buses and cars, monitoring the lunchroom, helping in the classroom with a teacher’s guidance, and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own student(s), but other students as well. They make security sweeps both inside and outside the building.

An information meeting will be held in early September.



Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of most months during the school year at 7:00 pm in the school library. More PTO information is posted on our webpage. Joining the PTO is a great way to support our students and staff throughout the year. Any help is always appreciated!


Military Families - Purple Star

Penn is a Purple Star designated school. Information for this organization can be found on the Penn website.